In the time it takes to organize and record your financial information, you could be expanding or fine-tuning your operations.  Detailed categorization of spending can highlight areas for improvement; this approach to income can do the same.  Accurate financial tracking is essential for yearly tax preparation, no matter your situation.

Bookkeeping work can be done at your location, but often it can be accomplished remotely.

Services offered include:

  • Payables – entering and paying bills, budgeting for future expenditures
  • Receivables – invoice creation, entering payments
  • Bank and credit card accounts – account classification, reconciliation
  • Payroll – preparation of payroll checks, scheduling of tax deposits
  • Current bookkeeping file clean-up
  • Statement preparation – income statement, balance sheet, etc.

The plan for your business, farm, or personal needs may include just a few of the tasks mentioned above, or most of them.  Every situation is unique, and I look forward to learning about yours and working efficiently to help make improvements.